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BBVA Bancomer - Linux remote desktop
BBVA-Bancomer needed to provide their employees with a work desktop at all their offices in Mexico.
Qindel Group proposed open source remote desktops as a solution, with support for Microsoft and Linux clients. The solution is a part of Qindel’s QVD and brings considerable costs reducing in software licenses because it’s based on open technology. The most important advantages are:
- Reduced costs of administration and management
- Simplicity in desktop updates
- Extended hardware useful life
- Better user experience
- Benefits geographic distribution
- Reduced electric costs (thin clients)
- Optimized bandwidth
- Easy backup centralization via NFS
Fundación BBVA - Virtual desktop
The client wanted the availability of different fundamental applications: financial terminal, risk and client procedures. Also they needed to cover pin-pad identification, communications with other nets, the use of ticketing devices, network printers and other elements. The client had specific needs because of satellite links and the communication between the offices and the database in Spain.
Qindel proposed a model that covers all their needs based on QVD. With this architecture they managed to cover all the client’s requirements, with QVD’s benefits: reducing general cost and optimizing bandwidth.
Technologies: Perl, Ubuntu, LDAP, KVM, NX, etc.